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Welcome to Wren's Fabulous Family Nest

Fabulous Family

"The Lucky Seven"

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Our Betts


Betty was the third in the birth line-up. Her luck ran out in October of 1990, when she was in a fatal car accident. Or maybe not......how can we know? Another page on this site, Precious Memories, is devoted to Betty.

Sooooo........Then there was six

Picture  of the six kids

From left to right....

Vonnie... #6 on the family totem pole. No one has ever accused Von of being shy. JoEtta... Red dress, and sibling #2,"The Quiet One" (translate to "she's not 'blonde':)" Rhonda... peeking from behind Jo, the baby of the family #7
Ray...Our only brother, child #4. How did he survive being right in the middle of six sisters? Judy...#5, and voted "Miss Personality" in highschool...she deserved the title. And Me(Rinda)...The "old one". Guess that makes me #1, huh?:)

The age differences in our family sometimes makes it feel like mom had two separate families(all with the same father). There were the three older girls...me, Jo, and Betty...six years later ...Ray...another six years, then the three younger girls...Judy, Yvonne, and Rhonda.

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Midi Playing is "I Feel Lucky"