"His Eye Is On The Sparrow, and I know He Watches Me..."


As we journey back in time
We must always look ahead
Thoughts of past are written
We must not feel their dread

Obstacles are always there
But through them we must find
Journey on a brand new day
By each of us designed

In life so much to overcome
But each new day we see
Chance to feel the calmness of
Life's quite harmonies

Crystal streams to soothe us
Air to breathe so clear
Within this peaceful glowing
Each day a new premiere

With hope for bright tomorrow
With love that fills the mind
The joy and peace of knowing
Each new day is divined.
~©Francine Pucillo©20032002~



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<BGSOUND SRC="midi/myhrtwillgoon-mh.mid" LOOP="10">

"My Heart Will Go On"
Performed by 
©Margie Harrell



